Royalities Generated
Keep everything you earn.
Keep everything you earn.
Use our Release Builder to create unlimited single, EP or album releases. Just upload your tracks, artwork & all the important info about your release, including which platforms your fans can listen on. You can even sign up & try our Release Builder for free.
When you’ve uploaded your release, we’ll check it to make sure it adheres to the guidelines set by platforms like Apple Music & Spotify. We’ll then send it to all your chosen music stores & give you a Ditto SmartLink so your fans can Pre-Save it before it drops.
Once your release date arrives and your music’s out there, you’ll make money every time it’s streamed or downloaded. You’ll keep 100% of the royalties you earn and be able to withdraw all of the money you make directly from your Ditto Music account.
We’ve levelled the playing field for independent artists.
Get a free Bigmasterz SmartLink with Pre-Save every time you release. Share your music on all platforms before & after it drops with just one link.
Want to break into the charts? You can register your music to make it eligible to enter official charts around the world, including Billboard, ARIA and the Official UK Charts.
We love to feature our artists on our playlists. Bigmasterz artists can submit their tracks for the chance to be included on our wide range of tastemaker playlists on Spotify.
Need to get your track live on Spotify & Apple Music stores in a hurry? Our Express Release service can make sure your music is out and available to stream within 72 hours.
Create hype around your releases, grow your social following & get featured by music blogs with our professional Music Promo Campaigns.